Our campsite is located in a small green valley on the banks of the river Isle. The campsite has several terraces. The lowest terrace has a direct view to the river and his small beach. The other, higher terraces also have a view of the river. The pitches are separated by shrubs to ensure privacy. There are trees on all pitches, so that there is always shade but also sun.

We have three levels of terraces for pitches:

  • Terrace Level 1, pitches with a direct view of the river, between 120 and 140m². Numbered on the campsite map from 1 to 25.
  • Terrace Level 2, pitches, also with river views, between 100 and 120m², with half sun and half shade. Numbered on the campsite map from 26 to 39.
  • Terrace level 3, pitches, also with river views, between 100 and 120m², with half sun and half shade. Numbered on the campsite map from 40 to 49.

>> Voir plan du camping

Un séjour
en Plein Air !

Camping La Chatonnière

Sentir l'air frais, observer les étoiles et se réveiller au chant des oiseaux...

Dans le Camping La Chatonnière à Jumilhac Le Grand en Périgord Vert, la nature
est reine, et dès l’arrivée sur le parc, le dépaysement est total.

Passez vos plus belles nuits sous la tente, en caravane, en camping-car ou dans
un de nos locatifs tous conforts !

Vite !!! Le PERIGORD VERT n’attend que Vous !!!

Pour réserver : https://bookingpremium.secureholiday.net/fr/4716/